Isagenix cleanse – day 11 update – and I DID IT!

Today I decided to challenge myself physically by going for a jog! Admittedly, I have not been doing any real strenuous exercise for quite some time, preferring to stick with walking and hiking with my dog regularly. Having lost some more weight (and inches!) I have had this light feeling that has inspired me to want to push my limits again and see what I can accomplish physically – and that’s exactly what I did this morning.

My usual morning river walk is about 3 km round trip. Here is a picture of one of my favorite spots. đŸ™‚


I started jogging as soon as I was out the front door (which my husky, Pinto, seemed to really enjoy!), and I just kept jogging and jogging and jogging until…I was back home again!

I JOGGED THE ENTIRE ROUTE! I stopped once to let Pinto do her business, but was full speed ahead the rest of the time.

I have to say, I feel very proud of myself right now for pulling that off, but more than that, I realize that I have been underestimating my strength and endurance and I am going to correct that! Being at my lowest weight in eons, I am actually able to jog for 3 km without finding it to be too much of a challenge, and this can only mean that I am probably able to do other things now that I wasn’t able to do before as well. I wonder how hot yoga will feel next week?

Bring on the physical challenges! My body is ready!

Isagenix cleanse day 11, and I’m feeling better than ever. Soon  I will measure myself again (weight and inches) and also post some pictures.

Thanks for following me on my journey!



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